
怎麼使用|How to use

玩家需先有建築權限,然後拿着錘子設置無人機的 ID。在電腦站上輸入該 ID 並選擇它以開始控制無人機。 控制方式為: W/A/S/Dshift向上,ctrl向下,F打開探照燈,鼠標轉向。

First things first, you need building privilege. Then pull out a hammer and set the ID of the drone. Next, enter that ID at a computer station and select it to start controlling the drone. Controls are W/A/S/D to move, shift to go up, ctrl to go down, F turn on the search light, and mouse to steer.

非友軍無人機會被自動砲塔打|Auto Turret will attack all non-ally-owned drones

請稍待GIF圖載入|Please wait for the gif image

無人機可部署的配件|Attachments that can be deployed to drones

無人機有高度限制|Drones have their height limited