聊天欄指令|Commands in chat room

In the F1 console type in the following command would let you open the kit store by pressing K

bind k “chat.say /kit”

For sure that other keys and commands are available to be bound


綁定Discord|Bind your Discord account

禮包及商城|Kits and Store

/fl 購買閃光彈|Buy flashbang
/mo 購買燃燒彈|Buy molly

/friend add <steam64 ID>
steam64ID可以在谷歌上找到|Steam64ID can be found on google
/friend list

自動升級|Auto Upgrade
/bgrade t <秒|Second>
/bgrade 0 關閉自動升級|Turn off auto upgrade
/bgrade <1/2/3/4> 
⬆數字為建材級別⬆ Numbers are the grade of Building materials⬆

遊戲時間|Play time

私聊|Private Message
/pm <玩家名|player name> <內容|Message>
/r <內容|Message>

移除工具|Remover Tool
/remove s 移除整棟建築物|Remove an entire building
/remove all 移除相鄰物|Remove everything that touchs each other starting where you are looking at

探照燈|Security Lights
(All commands must looking at the light)
/sl add 設置為探照燈
/sl remove 從探照燈列表中移除
/sl info 探照燈資訊
/sl mode
⬆探照燈的目標,所有/玩家/燈光秀/直升機|Security Lights’ Target⬆
/sl globalmode
⬆設置所有你擁有的探照燈的目標|Set the target of all security lights you own⬆

/sil 把畫板變成圖片|Make the url’s picture as a paint on the frame
/silt 在畫板上寫字|Type words onto the frame
/sili 在畫板上放你手中物品的圖案|Put the held item onto the frame